Jakarta Montessori School, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta

Jakarta Montessori School

Jl. Durian 10, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta 12620

Your Child’s Bright Future Begins At Jakarta Montessori School

Welcome to Jakarta Montessori School. Jakarta Montessori School offers a quality education in a stimulating, nurturing environment for Toddlers through Upper Secondary. Here at Jakarta Montessori School, we help your children to understand the world in which they live and their role in it, both now and in the future. To this end, our curriculum is an integrated one with emphasis on self-discipline, independence, a freedom with attached responsibility, and a tolerance and appreciation of all cultures and traditions.

Why Choose Jakarta Montessori School?

Children in our Primary class enter a different stage in their lives and development. They experience the much wider environments of Mathematics, Reading and Writing, and Life in General. Your child takes responsiblity for the care of their classroom and for their own learning. Our teachers guide and facilitate their learning in both interesting and intriguing ways. Your child will develop enthusiasm for their school and for learning about the world in which they live.

Firstly, the basic skills of Mathematics and Language, where your child use’s Montessori materials to introduce various concepts.

Secondly, our teachers recount narratives about how the Universe, Life and Civilisation came into being. Through these narratives, the topics of Science, History, Geography, Geology, Biology, Zoology, Astronomy, Archaeology, Botany, Physics, Chemistry, and many others are covered.

Thereafter, your child will investigate individually, or in groups. Through their own research they will develop skills of “how to use a library”, “how to work computers and the Internet”, and improve their communication abilities. A day’s schedule consists of uninterrupted classroom work in the morning, followed after lunch by activity sessions covering Physical Education, Dance, Music, Art, Bahasa Indonesia, Religious Studies, PSHE, cooking, or working with Computers.

There are also a wide range of other after school activities.

Children at this age need to venture out into the wider environment beyond school. To facilitate this your child will go on field trips and work on local community projects, learning about their place and their responsibilities in our world.

Experience why our students are HAPPY to learn!

The Essentials


We strive to provide a peaceful, respectful, safe, and nurturing Montessori learning community for children
and adolescents, where they have freedom to explore and follow their own interests, developing their individual potentials and responsibilities towards the Earth, thus becoming global citizens and lifelong learners.


Jakarta Montessori School is now accepting applications.

We know it’s not easy to select the right school for your child. Our admissions process makes it easier!

1. Submit an inquiry form
2. Schedule a Tour
3. Complete the Application Form

Join Us

Discover how Jakarta Montessori School can transform your educational journey. Explore your passions, engage in meaningful projects, and become a part of our vibrant learning community. Together, we can prepare for a bright and promising future.


“JMS style of education is very different from that of Japan. In Japan mostly students rely on memorization – basis, however at JMS, kids are taught to be more creative from experience – basis. Our kids love JMS so much that even on holidays, they tells us they want to go to school! We as Parents understand the Vision and Mission of the school.”

Mrs & Mr.Okochi (Parent)

“Having our children at JMS has absolutely made them independent, responsible, respectful and compassionate; compared to many children at their age. The Montessori way of teaching and a mixed group class, has a very good effect on them, especially in a way of teaching: the older kids learning and helping to take care of the little ones, as well as for the little ones learning and looking up to the big ones. Children are encouraged to explore and show their capability both in academic and non academic areas. It is indeed a continuous learning and reviewing process. Fear of failure and making mistakes in learning, is not something you will find in Montessori.”

Mrs. Chika Soufyan (Parent)

“Metodologi Montessori sangat membantu anak saya untuk belajar membawa dirinya dengan baik dalam kehidupan nyata. Fatima sangat suka pergi sekolah karena dia menikmati setiap aktivitas eksplorasi, pengalaman, dan penalaran berpikir dalam mempelajari bidang2 ilmu pengetahuan. Secara bertahap anak saya menunjukkan peningkatan dalam hal kompetensi, kreatifitas, dan percaya diri. Fatima juga sangat menunjukkan perhatiannya terhadap isu-isu lingkungan hidup dan sosial. Dia penuh rasa hormat, memiliki sensitivitas, dan tanggung-jawab.”

Mrs. Danti Setiawan (Parent)